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H.E. Richard Tuheiava, member of the Assembly of French Polynesia, addresses United Nations Regional Seminar on Decolonization held in Managua, Nicaragua ( photo by OTR) |
Richard Ariihau TUHEIAVA
* The Special Committee on Decolonization should ensure that the resolutions on French Polynesia be updated to reflect new developments on the ground in the territory pursuant to the information provided by the representatives of the territory to the regional seminars, the Special Committee and the Fourth Committee. In this regard, the agenda items on the individual territories should be considered by the Special Committee as early in the first week of the regular session of the Special Committee so as to ensure that sufficient time is available for the new information provided to be reflected in the individual resolutions on the territories.
* Relevant factual information provided from the territory, including legislative actions in the territory on important issues such as nuclear testing compensation, should not be omitted from the resolutions on the basis that it may place the administering Power in an unfavorable light.
* France, as the administering Power of French Polynesia/Ma.ohi Nui, should be formally and publically requested by the Special Committee (1) to abide by its international legal obligations under Article 73(e) of the United Nations Charter to provide information on the territory to the Secretary-General, and (2) to fully cooperate with the Decolonization Committee in working towards the advancement of the decolonization process of French Polynesia/Ma’ohi Nui under Article 73b of the Charter.
* Counter-strategies, such as the proposed bilateral accord under consideration between the territorial government and the administering Power, can actually be processes of colonial reform and legitimization rather than genuine decolonization, and can be designed to block or deviate the United Nations decolonization process permitting the administering Power to elude its obligations under Article 73 (b) of the United Nations Charter to develop full self-government in the territory. If presented to the Special Committee, such proposals should be carefully assessed on the basis of the minimum standards of full self-government.
* A standard program of political education for the non self-governing territories on the legitimate decolonization options of political equality should be developed by the relevant United Nations offices, including the Department of Political Affairs, the United Nations Development Program, and independent experts pursuant to General Assembly resolutions adopted throughout the International Decade(s) for the Eradication of Colonialism. In this connection, the newly devised political education program should be applied to French Polynesia to enhance the awareness of the people of the territory of the options available to them in advance of a legitimate act of self-determination.
* The 2014 Independent Report on "The French Nuclear Testing in French Polynesia" prepared by renowned French scientists that comprehensively analyzed the impacts of nuclear testing in French Polynesia should be published by the Special Committee as a document of the United Nations General Assembly so that its findings can be formally considered by member States, and made part of the substantive agendas on decolonization (Fourth Committee) and on disarmament (First Committee), given that the Secretary General’s 2014 Report on "environmental, ecological, health and other impacts as a consequence of the thirty year period of nuclear testing” in the Territory (French Polynesia) did not assess the humanitarian impacts of the nuclear testing.
* The Special Committee should formally acknowledge in its resolution on French Polynesia the adoption by the Assembly of French Polynesia of its resolution on nuclear testing compensation. Pursuant to the General Assembly mandate to collaborate with relevant United Nations specialized agencies, the Special Committee should establish formal cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency to further study the impact of nuclear testing of French Polynesia, and to make appropriate recommendations. The Special Committee should also request that French Polynesia be included on the agenda, and in the program of work, of the U.N. Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation.
* The Special Committee should make specific reference in its resolution to the inalienable right of the peoples of French Polynesia to the permanent sovereignty over their natural resources, including marine resources and undersea minerals contained therein pursuant to relevant resolutions of the General Assembly, decisions of the International Court of Justice, and relevant U.N. legal opinions.