The Government of Niue has established Diplomatic Relations with the Republic of Kosovo (on) 23rd June 2015.
The newly forged relationship is the first Diplomatic Relation Niue has established with a country from the Southeast Europe region. The Republic of Kosovo becomes the 12th country to establish Diplomatic Relations with Niue.
Facts about: The Republic of Kosovo is a state that was established in 2008 in the central Balkan Peninsula. It is bordered by the Republic of Macedonia and Albania to the South, Montenegro to the West and Serbia to the North East.
The Premiers Office holds the Niue Legislative Assembly, Cabinet, Central Agencies, Commercial Agencies and Statutory Boards.
A full description of the divisions under the Premiers Office can be located in the Cabinet Page.
The Niue Legislative Assembly is within the Premiers Office, and
is headed by the Speaker of The House of Assembly. The Niue Public Service has recently made a Transformation, after lengthy
planning and architect of the long standing construction.
The previous structure contained different departments within the Niue Public Service, however the new transformation involves the collective of all departments under 3 Ministries and 2 Agencies.
Ministry of Social Services, Ministry of Natural Resources and Ministry of Infrastructure, Central & Commercial Agencies.
The new structure is designed for efficiency and to expedite delivery of Services.
The Government of Niue continues to encourage the Development of Niue for the Benefit of ALL Niueans in Niue as well as Abroad.
Niue impoverished by global nations
The Premier of Niue says other nations are making it poor by not sharing returns made off of Niue's resources.
US$3.4 billion worth of tuna was caught in the Exclusive Economic Zones of Pacific Countries last year with an additional 400 million dollars worth of tuna estimated to be taken illegally.
Pacific owners receive around 14 per cent of the market value of the resource.
Toke Talagi told the United Nations Security Council Niue is often described as poor despite having plenty of fish and sea-bed minerals.
He says other countries need to rethink their behaviour in the Pacific.
“Give us a fair share if the returns from the fish that you catch in our waters. You need to do that to help us. You need to do that with the minerals that we're looking at at the present moment under the sea. We are not poor, we are rich, but you make us poor, some of you.”
Talagi says true partnerships need to be developed that endorse sustainable harvesting of resources in Niue.
Talagi is in New York for an open debate on the peace and security challenges faced by Small Island Developing States