Of all the provinces in Papua New Guinea, Bougainville alone stands at the threshold of a new social, economical and political order, says the ABG president John Momis.
He said when the Bougainville Peace Agreement was negotiated, the constitution of Papua New Guinea was amended to state that Bougainville alone can have full autonomy and independence if it is the wish of Bougainvilleans.
However, chief Dr John Momis stressed that there are certain conditions that Bougainville must meet and added “but are Bougainvilleans prepared to meet the conditions’’?
“The conditions that are set out are not hard and can be met by Bougainvilleans,” he said.
Chief Momis said: “This joint agreement says that if Bougainville wants to become independent, independence can be achieved only through peaceful means.
“Therefore in this fight of ours, we must have the courage and strength to stand up for perennial principles and values as governance is also very important,” he said.
The president stressed strongly that Bougainville will not get full autonomy or independence when there is no good governance, no rule of law, no fiscal self-reliance and no weapons disposal.