Its in the King's hands
James Finies, Nos Ke Boneiru Bek
"Netherlands cannot covet seat on United Nations (U.N.) Security Council
while refusing to comply with U.N. Charter Obligations."
With this petition, I , James
Finies, ahumble Bonairian requests the King to make a decision that may
finalize the decolonization of the islands of the former Netherlands Antilles.
The King will in effect decide
whether the United Nations mandated right to a “full measure of
self-government” shall prevail, which is the öbject and purpose”of Chapter
XI and hence of the United Nations
Charter. The Government of the Netherlands cannot covet a seat on the United
Security Council, the highest and most prestigious spot on the world stage,
while at the same time treating the Charter with contempt. There are no other
options recognized by the UN for these islands. The only option recognized is
that of “full measure of self-government”. Embedding, BES islands, Caribisch
Nederland etc, etc, are not what United Nations mandated.
With these simple questions the
King will decide whther we fulfill the oblectives of Chapter XI and ensure “a
full measure of self-government”for each island. Any other approach will be a
descent into lawlessness and that we are sure, His Royal Highness will never
advocate. For St Maarten this can mean, the end of the discussion about the
ethcis Chamber, for Curacao it signals the end of the Governor's involvement in
the formation process and for Aruba the end of Financial Supervison. For
Bonaire and Statia, the halt of the embedding process and for all islands, the
disappearance of the function of Governor as governmental institution, and the
declaration that articles 43, 44, 50 and 51 of the Kingdom Charter are no
longer applicable or in force as they are in conflict with “a full measure of
Finally, article 103 of the United
Nations Charter guarantees that this “full measure of self-government”will
remain intact. Any law, agreement, protocol, that conflicts or clashes with
that right, has to yield, and can find no application!
Ta den man di Rei
James Finies, Nos Ke Boneiru Bek
Hulanda no por codicia asiento den Konseho di Seguridat di
Nashonan Uni, mientras ku e ta nenga di kumpli ku obligashonan di e karta di
Nashonan Uni.
Ku e petishon aki, ami, James Finies, un humilde Boneriano
ta pidi Rei pa tuma un desishon ku por finalisa e dekolonisashon di e islanan
di e ex- Antias Hulandes.
Rei lo disidi en efekto , ku lo prevalese e derecho supremo
di Nashonan Uni di un “ful grado di propio-gobernashon”, ku ta e öbhetivo I
proposito”di e Kapitulo XI I konsekwentemente di e karta di Nashonan Uni. E
gobiernu Hulandes no por codicia un asiento den Konseho di Seguridat di
Nashonan Uni, e maximo I mas prestigioso puesto riba plataforma mundial, I na
mes momento ta trata e karta ku desprecio. No tin otro opshonan rekonose pa
Nashonan Uni pa e islanan aki. E uniko opshon rekonose ta di un “full grado di
propio-gobernashon” . Ankramentu, di islanan BES, Hulanda Caribense, ets , ets
no ta mandato di Nashonan Uni.
Ku e simpel preguntanan aki, rei lo disidi ku nos ta kumpli
ku e obhetivonan di Kapitulo XI I segura “un full grado di propio-gobernashon”
pa kada isla. Kualke otro aserkamentu lo ta un desenco den anarkia I nos ta
sigur ku rei nunka lo promove esey. Pa
Sint Maarten esaki lo nifika final di diskushon riba e kamber di integridat, pa Korsow ta final di
involvimentu di gobernado den e proseso di formashon I pa Aruba final di
supervishon finansiero. Pa Boneiru I Statia, suspenshon di e proseso di
ankramentu I pa tur isla desaparisashon di Gobernado komo instituto gobernamental,
I deklarashon ku artikulonan 43, 44, 50 I 51 di Statuut di reino no aplikabel
mas o vigente pasobra nan ta den konflikto ku un “ful grado di
Por ultimo, e artikulo 103 di Nashonan Uni ta garantisa ku e
“full grado di propio-gobernashon”lo keda intakto. Kualke ley, akuerdo,
protokol, ets, ku ta den konflikto o ta e pugna ku e derecho aki, tin ku somete
su mes I no por tin ningun aplikashon!
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