19 November 2017

Virgin Islanders To Reflect On Culture: Then And Now

The Department of Culture will observe its annual Virgin Islands Culture and Heritage Week under the theme, “Reflections of Our Virgin Islands Culture: Then & Now” with the subtheme, “Living the Culture”.
The full week of community and school-based activities are scheduled from Monday, November 20 through Friday, November 24.
Director of the Department of Culture, Mrs. Luce Hodge-Smith said that the Department thought that it was important to host the week rather than to cancel it as it was the most opportune moment to create a linkage between our life in the past and our life post Hurricane Irma.
Mrs. Hodge-Smith said, “Since the destruction of Hurricanes Irma and Maria, many Virgin Islanders were in a sense living the culture and we wanted to be able to illustrate that linkage to persons in the Territory.”
The Director added, “Culture and Heritage Week is important in the preservation of the culture and history of the Territory and allows Virgin Islanders to pass on the relevant information to the younger generations. It’s important that we hold true to this event and never lose sight of its relevance.”
Activities during the week will include a number of activities with a focus on demonstrating the link between Virgin Islands culture and heritage, past and present.
The week will begin with the Minister for Education and Culture’s Message to declare the week officially open; cultural events at the various schools throughout the Territory with cultural presentations and exhibitions; a Virgin Islands storytelling radio series and the annual Territorial Dress-up.
The annual Territorial Dress-up day will be held on Friday, November 24. Persons throughout the Territory are encouraged to dress in the Virgin Islands’ territorial wear or in the Territory’s colours- red, green, white, blue and/or yellow.
Bria Smith
Professional Cadet
Ministry of Education and Culture
Telephone: 468-3353
Email: BriaSmith@gov.vg

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