23 September 2017



Geneva, Switzerland Sept 13, 2017 (SPS) - Several ambassadors and experts in law and international affairs held a conference entitled 'The Western Sahara issue, the last colony in the African continent, at the 36th Session of the United Nations Council.. "

The speakers emphasized the need to implement the recent UN General Assembly resolutions on the right to self-determination and the right of the Saharawi people to exercise their sovereignty over their natural resources. They clarified the situation of the territory from the point of view of international law, which considers that the Moroccan presence in the territory is a military occupation, which means according to international law, the illegality of the commercialization of its resources, without the previous consent of the only representative of the Saharawi people, the Frente POLISARIO.

The ambassadors and experts present at the conference urged continued support for the Saharawi people in their just struggle for the recovery of all their rights, and in particular freedom and independence.

Throughout the sessions, a Saharawi delegation, composed of civil society actors, will participate in both from the refugee camps and the Occupied Territories, as well as the permanent delegation of the Frente POLISARIO at the United Nations in Switzerland.

It should be recalled that the Human Rights Council of the United Nations inaugurated its 36th session yesterday in the capital of Switzerland, Geneva.

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