27 September 2017

Donald Trump criticised for silence over Puerto Rico disaster

Hillary Clinton calls on President to deploy navy after Hurricane Maria wreaks havoc.

Donald Trump has been criticised for his silence after Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico, whose 3.4 million inhabitants are US citizens.
At least 13 people are dead and the entire country remains without power after the worst storm for decades hit the island nation on Wednesday.
Many of the country’s hospitals are dependent on diesel generators, and patients have been flown to the US for treatment.
Puerto Rico is an unincorporated US territory, meaning its inhabitants have qualified US citizenship, and it is entitled to federal emergency funds.Officials in the country fear there may be more devastation to come, if the large dam along the Guajatacata River fails. Up to 70,000 people who live within the river's flood plain have been told to leave their homes.  
President Trump's Twitter feed was characteristically active over the weekend – but he didn't find time to post anything about the island's plight.
A number of users expressed anger Mr Trump seemed more concerned about a series of protests by NFL players over racial injustice in the country.

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