31 May 2016

UN Secretary-General calls for concrete actions in advancing the decolonisation agenda

31 MAY 2016

Following is UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s message, delivered by Rie Kadota, Senior Political Affairs Officer, Decolonization Unit, Department of Political Affairs, to the Pacific Regional Seminar on Decolonization, in Managua today:

I am pleased to send my greetings to all who have gathered in Managua for the 2016 Pacific Regional Seminar on Decolonization, in the Week of Solidarity with the Peoples of Non-Self-Governing Territories. I thank the Government and the people of Nicaragua for their generous hospitality in hosting this important Seminar for the second time in two years.

This Managua Seminar also marks the twenty-fifth Regional Seminar of the Special Committee since 1990. I welcome this year’s focus on the Pacific region under the theme of “Commitments and Actions for Decolonization in the Non-Self-Governing Territories”, within the framework of the third Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism.

According to the Charter of the United Nations and relevant General Assembly resolutions, a full measure of self-government can be achieved through independence, integration or free association with another State. The choice should be the result of the freely expressed will and desire of the peoples of the Non-Self-Governing Territories. The Special Committee on Decolonization supports this decolonization process. I also count on the administering Powers to continue to fulfil the obligation to promote the well-being of the peoples under their administration.

This annual Regional Seminar provides a key opportunity for the Special Committee to hear directly from representatives of Non-Self-Governing Territories about their unique situations and problems. It also facilitates informal exchanges between administering Powers, other stakeholders, Non-Self-Governing Territories, the Special Committee, experts, civil society organizations, regional organizations and others.

Let us seize this opportunity to identify concrete actions to advance the decolonization agenda. I wish you success in your deliberations. Thank you.

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