25 May 2016

Puerto Rican Mayor to call for self-determination at United Nations

SAN JUAN – The mayor of San Juan, Carmen Yulín Cruz, confirmed she will appear before the United Nations’ Special Committee on Decolonization in June to testify on the island’s territorial status.

The mayor said she intends to call for Puerto Rican people’s “right to self-determination” and that political prisoner Oscar López Rivera be freed. On May 29, he will have spent 35 years in prison, 12 of them in solitary confinement, her statement adds.

Cruz also said she has withdrawn her endorsement of Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton because of her position in favor of the proposed fiscal oversight board the U.S. Congress “intends to impose” on the commonwealth government.

“I’m not a Democrat; I’ll never be a Republican. I have never voted in presidential primaries nor ever will, although I don’t criticize those who consider it a way to contribute,” she said.

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