28 August 2014

Dependencies, Autonomous Countries eligible to participate in U.N. Small Islands Conference

A formal role for non-independent countries is consistent with U.N. established practice since the Earth Summit in 1992, and is in furtherance of their economic, social and constitutional advancement.

United Nations

Apia, Samoa (1-4 September 2014)

List of speakers

Inscription on the list of speakers for the plenary meetings (item 8 of the provisional agenda, “General debate”) of the third International Conference on Small Island Developing States (Monday, 1 to Thursday, 4 September 2014, Apia, Samoa), pursuant to General Assembly resolution 68/238, is open.

All delegations (all States Members of the United Nations or members of specialized agencies or of the International Atomic Energy Agency, and the European Union, in its capacity as observer) wishing to inscribe in the general debate, in accordance with General Assembly resolutions 67/207 and 68/238, are kindly requested to contact the Secretariat, in writing, by e-mail (Ms. Mary Muturi (muturi@un.org)), or telefax (+1 (212) 963-3783) indicating the name and level of the speaker. 

The list of speakers for the plenary meetings will be established on a first-come first served basis with the customary protocol that ensures that Heads of States or Government speak first, followed by other heads of delegation. It is proposed that a time limit of five minutes be established for each statement. Delegations are requested to provide 20 copies of their statement to the conference officers in the meeting room. Delegations wishing to have their statement posted on the Conference website are encouraged to e-mail their statement to the secretariat beforehand to the following e-mail address: papersmart3@un.org.

In addition to representatives of States participating in the Conference and that of the European Union, it is proposed that the representatives of the following may, time permitting and without setting a precedent, make a statement in the plenary meetings:  1) 

(a) intergovernmental organizations and other entities that have received a standing invitation from the General Assembly to participate in the capacity of observer in the sessions and work of all international conferences convened under its auspices (rule 60 of the provisional rules of procedure of the Conference);
(b) Associate members of regional commissions (Rule 61)

(c) specialized agencies and related organizations (rule 62); 

(d) other intergovernmental organizations (rule 63); and (e) interested United Nations organs (rule 63). Representatives of intergovernmental organizations, entities, associated members of regional commissions, specialized agencies and related organizations and interested United Nations organs may also contact the secretariat to be inscribed in the list of speakers.

1/ The precedent for participation in United Nations (U.N.) world conferences as well as special sessions of the U.N. General Assembly, including addressing these conferences and sessions, is a long established practice as evidenced by participation in virtually all such U.N. proceedings since the United Nations Conference on Environment and development (UNCED) in 1992. A Study commissioned by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) outlines the historic legislative authority for this participation. 


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