25 August 2014

Bonaire Foundation shows film on 'Tula', leader of slave rebellion

Special to OTR

Successful week of Rebellion for freedom with Tula in the neighborhoods.

A week long, from Monday to Sunday every night, from Tera Cora to Rincon without missing a single neighborhood, Foundation Nos Kier Boneiru Bek with the objective to build consciousness and commemorating the Slave Rebellion on the 17th of August and led by the national hero Tula, stopped in every neighborhood of Bonaire to present the movie Tula the Rebellion.

The movie presentations in open air were very well attended and the community showed high interest in this real history based story that they finally had the opportunity to experience on Bonaire and on the big screen and has agglomerated around the locations, and when no more chairs were available, standing up, sitting on the ground, in cars, everywhere This was the experience of the shared profound feelings of a people of the same origin and same roots.

The people who experienced this unique opportunity and who saw the presentation showed their gratitude openly after expressing their understanding and self-realization. In the process,  the people made the conscious comparisons with the actual situation of Bonaire after 10-10-10 in recognition that Bonaire is in a similar era but in a modern way. 

We of the Foundation Nos Kier Boneiru Bek are conscious that our power to resist all the actual undesired situations of our people, a essential and fundamental base rests in our common past, where the majority of our people, over 80% are of the same origin, same ancestors, who lived under oppression and inhuman conditions and struggled with their own blood, sweat and tears so today we have rights, which we neglected and regrettably through a lie has surrendered back to our colonizer Holland. 

Our past, our heritage, same language , culture, traditions, norms and values and identity that binds us together as the Bonerian people is the only avenue of unifying, so we can unite, resist and defend ourselves in these difficult times.

Those who do not know their past are condemned to repeat it. Know your past, is to know your rights and makes you strong and empowered with knowledge and information to force a change in your favor and to defend ourselves and our children and stop the invasion and destruction of our identity and our Bonerian people, because our rights are our heritage. And these rights are ours without surrendering our integrity and identity of our Bonerian people in no way, because our welfare and development is our right and responsibility of Holland.

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