18 June 2014

Puerto Rico to decolonize through integration with Spain?

Group says PR should reunite with Spain

By EFE News Agency

A small Puerto Rican group has launched a campaign to demand that the Caribbean island break all political links with the United States and annex itself once again to Spain to become an autonomous community of the Iberian nation.

“We want to become Spaniards again, to be autonomous community No. 18 of a country that we never wanted to abandon,” José Nieves, the founder of the Puerto Rico Reunification with Spain group, said.

With the slogan “It’s time to return home!” and a promotional video with the Spanish national anthem in the background, the initiative so far has almost 2,000 followers on Facebook.

“We’re getting support from U.S. statehood advocates, independent-minded people, who would accept unification as a decolonizing option, and even supporters of the status quo,” Nieves said, referring to those who want to remain a U.S. commonwealth.

After decades of fruitless debates about how the political status of this former Spanish colony should evolve or be altered, the option of rejoining Spain “has never really been on the table, but we’re getting support”, said Nieves, thanks to “education and to the fact that supporters of other options see that we’re not moving forward toward anyplace”.

“Our demand has taken many by surprise, but it makes perfect sense. The key is in education,” he commented, after noting that Puerto Rico was a colony of Spain for more than four centuries and in 1897 even had a charter that gave it sovereignty as an overseas Spanish province.

The 42-year-old criminologist and security guard also challenges the traditional narrative of Puerto Rico’s incorporation into the U.S.

“In contrast to what we’re told in the schools, we Puerto Ricans welcomed U.S. troops with gunfire, not with flowers,” he says.

“The U.S. invasion was heavily contested. In fact, they could not move in during the first two attempts. Finally, they managed to do it because the mayor of Yauco sold out,” he said.

Among the group’s followers, according to Nieves, “there are many university people and ones with advanced degrees”.

“We believe we would be accepted by the Spanish people. To date, 95 percent of the feedback we’ve had from there is positive,” he said.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Partner,

    We'll decide what we want to do after we decolonize.

    After the approval of the 33rd United Nations’ resolution by consensus on June 23, 2014 asking the United States (US) to immediately decolonize of Puerto Rico, we should work together to force the United States government to comply with it.

    The facts that the United States government has maintained Puerto Rico as its colony for 116 years, has had Oscar López Rivera in prison for 33 years for fighting for Puerto Rico decolonization, and has ignored 33 UN resolutions to decolonize Puerto Rico, confirm that the US government has no intentions of ever decolonizing Puerto Rico. Therefore, we need to form a tsunami of people to force the US to comply with the 33 resolutions.

    We should peacefully protest at least 3 times a year until we achieve our goal. The first one will be a march up to the US Courthouse in Puerto Rico on the Abolition of Slavery Day on March 22. The second will be another march in Puerto Rico on a day before the UN’s Puerto Rico decolonization hearing. The third one will be a protest in New York City on the same day the UN holds its Puerto Rico decolonization hearing.

    These 3 protests are indispensable, because those who have colonies don’t believe in justice for all.

    José M López Sierra
    Comité Timón del Pueblo
    United Partners for the Decolonization of Puerto Rico
