07 March 2014

Virgin CEO Richard Branson Vows to Turn Caribbean Islands Green


While Sir Richard Branson is preparing to make the $13.6 million Moskito island his new “family complex,” the billionaire says the move can impact a lot more than just his luxurious profile.

Along with Necker island, which Branson rents for nearly $55,000 a night, Moskito will userenewable energy for 75 to 80 percent of its electricity, according to The Guardian. Using technical and financial blueprints from his green business group, Carbon War Room, and the Rocky Mountain Institute, Branson will offer advice to help all Caribbean governments cut diesel imports and switch to renewable sources. He believes the two properties can become models for islands around the world. 

“This is personal and global,” said Branson, founder of the Virgin Group, which consists of about 400 businesses. “We know that islands will suffer the most from climate change and sea-level rise. Reefs will be devastated, and wildlife decimated.”


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