31 March 2014

Montserrat Premier Meade Presents 2014-2015 Budget

Restoring Growth

Expanding Opportunities

Presented by 

Honourable Premier Reuben T Meade

delivered in the
Montserrat Legislative Assembly

24th  March 2014 



1.                       I have the honour of presenting this budget address at a time when the challenges facing our island continue to be very significant. I am also mindful that in the next few months we will exercise one of our most fundamental rights, that is, to elect a government to continue the developmental process.  This budget statement must therefore be a report of our stewardship over the past four and a half years and also an indication of our policies and programs to support our vision for the next five years.

2.                       It is a vision that carries with it huge political, economic and social programmes. It is also being presented at a time when the more prosperous nations of the world are struggling to maintain a stable socio-economic environment. Over the last four and a half years, the people of Montserrat under MCAP's administration have been on a mission.  It involved the challenge not only of stabilizing the economy but also establishing a platform for recovery and growth.

3.                       This vision has had the overwhelming support and confidence of our development partners. This is evidenced by the increase in budgetary and development resources that we have been able to negotiate with our two major development partners, namely Her Majestys Government and the European Union.  The local public servants and the business community have also provided critical support in delivering improved service.

4.              Let me take this opportunity to thank all the Montserratians and those who have made Montserrat their place of residence for their continued support and interest in the development of our land.  It is so easy to allow the challenging economic environment to undermine the reputation and friendly atmosphere for which Montserrat is renowned.  The MCAP Administration invites all to pause and reflect on the progress that has been made so far.


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