18 February 2014

Premiere documentary about Frank Martinus Arion during International Film Festival Rotterdam (IFFR)

WILLEMSTAD — During the third edition of the International Film Festival Rotterdam

 (IFFR), the documentary ‘Frank Martinus Arion: Yu di Kòrsou’ of Cindy Kerseborn will 
be premiered. This was recently made known by the organization of the film festival 
during a press conference. The festival will take place from April 2nduntil April 6th.

The first film screening will be introduced by Lucille Berry-Haseth and with recital of the poems of the great writer. The festival also makes room for new elements, such as the collaboration with Salt + Pepper (restaurant located in Riffort), which will serve as film café during the festival. In addition, the Youth Orchestra led by Dennis Aalse will be also giving various performances.

There will be also an exhibition with ‘photographica’ from the private collection of Michel  van Veldhoven. His exhibition will be in the framework of cameras and projectors in which the development of moving film images of 1903 to around 1970 and the cameras and projectors from the 1920’s until the rise of video that was could be seen in 1980’s. 

Next to the exhibition there will be also a space in which four movies by filmmakers 
Frank M. Chumaceiro and his partner Tita will be shown. These films were produced 
under the name Curafilms between 1951 and 1961.


(Curaçao, 1936) studied Dutch Lan­gu­a­ge and Li­te­ra­tu­re at Leyden Uni­ver­si­ty. He lec­tu­red at Am­ster­dam Uni­ver­si­ty and from 1975 to 1981 taught at a teacher trai­ning college in Surinam. After that he re­tur­ned to Curaçao to be ap­poin­ted head of the In­sti­tu­to Ling­kwis­ti­ko Antiano. He founded a Pa­pi­a­men­to se­conda­ry school based on hu­ma­nis­tic prin­ci­ples: the Kolegio Erasmo. He writes stories, essays, poetry and novels. His suc­ces­sful debut novel Dub­bel­spel (Double Play, 1973) is pre­sent­ly being adapted for the screen. Fol­lo­wing Dub­bel­spel the novels Nobele wilden (Noble savages, 1979) and De laatste vrij­heid (The last freedom 1995) ap­pe­a­red, which won him the Cola Debrot Prize in 2001. In No­vem­ber 2001 the col­lec­ti­on of stories De eeuwige hond(The eternal dog) ap­pe­a­red. His latest novel De de­ser­teurs (The de­ser­ters) was pu­blis­hed in 2006. WIN 2001

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