17 January 2014

Bonaire Activist calls for political evolution in the 'public entity'

James Finies
Presidente I kordinado “Fundashon Nos Ke Boneiru Bek”

Our future is in our own hands again. Netherlands pulls back its position that the BES islands have no other choice outside the Dutch state-constellation. The people of Bonaire have the option to choose to change and improve the current state structure.

The year 2014 started for Boneriaans people with the good news that the Netherlands by Minister Plasterk has stated that the BES islands, may choose another state structure that they want and not be bound to as they previously proclaimed. And that this choice is to the BES populations themselves to do, but must of course take into account that it is realistic and reasonable. Netherlands has made ​​it very difficult since 10-10-10 by having positioned itself, that the only possibility to us as a people is evaluation of 2015 and at this is at administrative level and not political and that either then to continue as public entity as special municipality or convert it into a full-fledged municipality or not we should leave the kingdom and become independent.

This brings us to an end, after 10-10-10, at least 2 years of intense fight to convince the Dutch and local leadership, that not the administrators or politicians neither of Netherlands or Bonaire, but the Bonerian people the right have as, as people’s, to determine their own future and because the result that we have now, we all agree that it cannot continue like that, and was not the desire or what we expected. And to improve is good, but that has to be effected by means of a people’s expression, a referendum, to meet a wide fundamental basis, that can unite the majority of our people and find themselves happy with the support and help of the Netherlands and the other partners in the Kingdom.

This is the result of our ongoing struggle of all of us who have always believed that our people deserve a real chance and has the right as a people and this is enshrined in international law by the United Nations, and we did not gave up and now can look back that our fight has borne fruit, that Netherlands renounces its position. And even states that it must take account of the Charter of the United Nations because they are members and want to continue to be member of the United Nations and our people should be given the possibility to choose and that the Netherlands will cooperate to realize the will and desire of the majority of the Bonerian people.

Because of these statements, it is also understandable why Plasterk's assertion that a small group wants a referendum, can be qualified as a distraction maneuver or intention is to make our people that has united for a “change” , to divide us again, and tries to camouflage the fact and reality that Plasterk itself and other Dutch leaders as, Bijleveld, Camp etc included PM Rutte have launched acts of intimidation and blackmail towards Bonaire and St Eustatius and these without any basis and foundation and Netherlands has to refrain  of these now and indeed must take into account and the international  laws of the United Nations must be respected. And that we as a people are free to start preparing to choose ourselves another state structure outside the Dutch state and within the Kingdom if we want to serve our people better.

So where with the help and support of the Netherlands we can continue to further emancipate and develop, to continue catching up on the arrears and development-backlog,  and to achieve prosperity and happiness, but also governed by our own leaders and parliament, elected by our own people.

Now it is clear to us to unite as Bonaire and together as Bonaire to strive for the "change"; we have this opportunity again!


Nos futuro ta den nos mes man atrobe. Hulanda ta hala tras su posishon di ku islanan BES no por skohe algu otro pafor di e konstalashon estatal Hulandes. Boneiru I su pueblo tin oportunidat di por skohe su mes pa kambia I drecha e struktura estatal aktual.

Anja 2014 ta habri pa nos pueblo Boneriano ku e bon notisia ku Hulanda pa medio di Minister Plasterk, di Relashonan Eksterno di Reino,  ta deklara na parlamentu Hulandes ku  e islanan BES, por skohe un otro eskoho estatal ku nan mes ta desea  I no ta mara mas na e posishon ku nan a informa prome. Ku e eskoho aki ta keda na e pueblo nan di BES mes, pero naturalmente mester tene na bista ku e eskoho lo mester ta algu realistiko I rasonabel. Hulanda a bin ta hasi esaki basta difisil  despues di 10-10-10, dor di a posishona su mes ku e uniko posibilidat ku a keda nos komo pueblo ta e evaluashon na 2015 I riba e tereno administrativo gubernamental I no politiko I lo bai evalua ku lo keda komo entidat publiko ku ta un gemeente spesial o bira un gemeente kompletu lo ta e uniko opshon  sino nos lo tin ku sali for di Reino Hulandes I bira independiente .
Esaki ta pone fin, despues di 10-10-10, na por lo menos dos anja di lucha intensivo pa por a konvense e mandatarionan Hulandes I lokal ku nos pueblo, I no gobernantenan o politikonan ni di Hulanda o lokal, pero ta nos pueblo tin e derecho komo pueblo di disidi su mes futuro, pasobra e lokual ku a resulta aki, I nos tur ta di akuerdo ku no por sigui asina aki, no tabata nos deseo o loke nos a spera.  I pa purba dreche ta posibel , pero esey mester tuma lugar pa medio di un konsulta di e pueblo kompleto, esta un referendum ku lo por pone  un base fundamental I amplio pa asina e pueblo den su mayoria por ta satisfecho I por dirigi su mes futuro ku ajudu di Hulanda I otro partnernan den Reino.

Esaki ta resultado di e lucha kontinuo di nos tur ku a kere semper ku e pueblo aki merese un chens real I alaves tin e derecho aki komo un pueblo I esaki nan ankra den leynan internashonbal di Nashonan Uni no a entrega I awor nos ta mira fruta di nos lucha ku Hulanda ta laga los su posishon. I asta ta deklara ku nan tambe lo tin ku tene nan mes na regla  I carta di Nashonan Uni  pasobra nan ta miembro I kier keda miembro di Nashonan Uni I mester duna nos pueblo  e oportunidat di por skohe I Hulanda lo kopera ku eskoho I deseo di mayoria di e pueblo.

Ku e deklarashonan aki ta kompredibel tambe ku Plasterk su ponensia ku un grupito so kier un referendum por wordu kalifika komo “afleidingsmanouvre” o purba dividi nos pueblo ku a uni I kier un kambio , I ta purba desvia e realidat ku Plasterk I demas mandatarionan Hulandes ultimo, Bijleveld,Kamp, etc, inkluyendo PM Rutte ku a lansa deklarashonan di imtimidashon I chantage direkshon di Boneiru I Statia I ku esaki nan no tabatin base I mester a bek I ku Hulanda mester respeta I tene kuenta ku leynan internashonal di  Nashonan Uni.  I nos por libremente kuminsa prepara pa skohe pa un struktura estatal  pafo di e konstelashon Hulandes I den Reino Hulandes si nos kier ku por sirbi nos pueblo mas miho. Pues kaminda nos por sigui hanja judansa, sosten di Hulanda pa juda nos sigui emansipa I desaroya, drecha e retrasonan I logra bienestar I felisidat,  pero alaves ser dirigi I goberna pa nos mes lidernan I parlamento  skohe pa nos mes pueblo.

Awor a keda nos nada mas, pa uni komo Boneiru I ban huntu komo Boneiru pa e kambio ku nos merese, e oportunidat tey atrobe!

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