19 November 2013

Social media used to reinforce "modernised" colonial status in British dependent (overseas) territories

The Anguillian

Facebook brings the overseas territories together

Press Release
The UK-Overseas Territories Family is on Facebook ahead of the annual meeting of the territory leaders later this month. It was launched by the Foreign Office.

The UK -Overseas Territories partnership dates from 1609. In the run up to this year’s Overseas Territories Joint Ministerial Council, the partnership aims to highlight the uniqueness and diversity of this community. 

(This period of "partnership" apparently includes several centuries of chattel slavery ending in the 1830s in the British-occupied Caribbean - OTR) 

The annual Overseas Territories Joint Ministerial Council (JMC) brings together political leaders from the Overseas Territories and UK Ministers. It will meet this year in London from 26 – 27 November and will be hosted by FCO Minister for the Overseas Territories Mark Simmonds MP.

Each inhabited territory will be featured on the Facebook page on a particular day in the run up to the JMC. Anguilla will be featured on Wednesday 20 November. Governor Christina Scott commented “I welcome this initiative to celebrate the rich diversity of the Overseas Territories. Each of the UK’s 14 territories has its own unique history and proud traditions, from the five lush Caribbean territories, to the world’s most remote community. They cover hundreds of islands, vast areas of ocean, and thousands of miles. This initiative lets us learn more about them, and to celebrate that diversity.”

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