30 November 2013

Apartheid In The Dominican Republic: Are You Haitian?

By Myriam J.A. Chancy, Ph.D. 
for Curacao Chronicle

Dominican Republic racist law against its Black citizens affects quarter of a million people.
OES Dispatch from St. Martin – The implications of the ruling of September 23 by the Constitutional Tribunal of the Dominican Republic, stripping citizenship from the offspring of non-resident Haitians born in the Dominican Republic (DR), where nationality is conferred “jus soli,” by place of birth, are only beginning to be understood by the international community with the OAS, Amnesty International, and the governments of Trinidad & Tobago, Guyana, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, openly condemning the violation of human rights it represents.

Hanging in the balance are the lives of nearly a quarter of a million Dominicans of Haitian descent – of all ages – who have been rendered stateless by the ruling, in what has been deemed a human rights crisis in the making.


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