28 June 2012

Independence for Scotland discussed at University of Glasgow

The Scottish Government

Scotland’s Constitution – A means to an end

Independence is only the vehicle to a more prosperous Scotland, (said) the Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon.
However, what will determine our success as a nation are our assets, talents, skills and the quality of our leadership.
Giving a lecture at the University of Glasgow School of Law, Nicola Sturgeon focused on the reasons Scotland should become an independent nation and what could be achieved rather than on the mechanics of holding a referendum.
Speaking at the Sir Charles Wilson Lecture Theatre, the Deputy First Minister said:
“I have never believed that independence is an end in itself. I want Scotland to be independent because I believe that it is the best way to further Scottish interests.
“Independence will give Scotland the opportunity to make different decisions and to implement policies designed for its own needs in every area. In welfare as well as health, the economy as well as education.
“In the past the union would have been seen as not just the creator but also the guarantor of the values and vision of the post-war welfare state. Today, many see that it is the union, under the Westminster government, that poses the biggest threat to these values and that vision.
“Only through devolution has the Scottish Government been able to protect the values of our national health service and ensure that it can meet the needs of people in Scotland. Unlike its counterpart in England, the NHS in Scotland will remain a public service, paid for by the public and accountable to the public.  There will be no privatisation of the National Health Service in Scotland.
“Independence would give us the power not only to protect Scotland from policies that offend our sense of decency and social cohesion. It would also allow us to build a fairer Scotland.
“What independence does is put our destiny firmly in our own hands. It gives us the ability to take the decisions that matter, to ensure that our talents and our resources work to the benefit of our people.”

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