03 February 2012

Frente Polisario holds UN responsible for the human rights abuses in occupied Western Sahara

Shaheed Al Hafed (refugee camps),- The Frente Polisario held Saturday the United Nations Organization the responsibility of the flagrant violations of human rights committed by Morocco against the Saharawi citizens in the occupied territories of Western Sahara, following the bloody events that accompanied the military trail of Gdeim Izik political detainees, which was scheduled for Jan 13, 2012.

Office of the Polisario National Secretariat expressed, in a communiqué issued Saturday, its strong condemnation and denunciation to the operations of brutal repression perpetuated by the Moroccan occupation authorities against the defenseless Saharawi citizens, who are peacefully protesting the farce of taking civilians and human rights activists to military trail.

The Office called on the UN to immediately intervene to protect the Saharawi civilians, establish a UN-mechanism to protect human rights and report about it, reveal the fate of more than 651 Saharawi missing, end the Moroccan looting to the Saharawi natural resources and eradicate the military wall that divided Western Sahara Territories, land and people.

It also called for the release of all the Saharawi political prisoners, without conditions, and to stop the unfair and arbitrary delays that exceeded more than 14 months without trial.

It is noteworthy that the Saharawi masses in occupied El Aaiun has subjected to violent interventions by the Moroccan occupation forces leaving dozens Saharawi injured, after they organized Friday a sit-in to demand that the charges fabricated against Gdeim Izik political detainees being dropped, according to a source of the Ministry of Occupied Territories and Communities Abroad. (SPS)


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