13 January 2012

Danish, Dutch Autonomous Countries discuss cooperation


ORANJESTAD — During his recent visit to Brussels Premier Mike Eman (AVP) had a meeting with colleague Premier Kuupik Kleist from Greenland. The two discussed the collaboration possibilities between the countries. Greenland is especially interested in the role Aruba will play as gateway for The Netherlands and European countries to Latin and Central America.

The knowledge of the culture and language of the countries in this region, demonstrate that Aruba could be a strong partner for companies wishing to do business in the region, says Premier Eman. 

This yields worldwide attention and Greenland has expressed their interest. Aruba and Greenland have several points in common, namely they are both islands with a small population. For instance, Greenland has less than 60,000 residents and as independent country, is part of the Kingdom of Denmark.

* (Greenland is an autonomous country in the Kingdom of Denmark, but is not an independent country - OTR).

Kleist explains that Greenland has a LGO-relation with Denmark. Furthermore, the country is rich in base materials such as gold, ruby, sapphire and quartz. However, the last mines closed in 1990 and since then the economy pillars are the catch of fish, hunting, sheep breeding and tourism. The discovered large oil reserves can possibly be exploited in the future. 
Eman for his part spoke of tourism, the public health system, education and of the plans to create a gateway. At the end of the meeting, the Premiers exchanged invitations for a visit to each other’s country. Speaking about a relationship between Greenland and Aruba, Premier Kleist used the metaphorical expression ‘from ice to spice’.


In Brussels Premier Eman also spoke with Rodrigo Rivera Salazar, the Columbian ambassador in Belgium. They discussed several mutual interests between Aruba and Columbia and the possibilities for further future collaboration. For instance, Eman told of his trip to Columbia where he visited Riohacha and Bogata and spoke with companies in the oil sector on possible collaboration with oil refinery Valero. According to the Premier, Columbia has crude oil which Aruba could use. Eman therefore hopes Aruba and Columbia can work together soon in this field.
Eman also told the ambassador about the Aruban government’s vision on alternative energy. He spoke of expanding the windmill park, doubling the number of windmills, the solar park to be placed on the parking lot roof of the airport and of the TNO branch on Aruba that is to serve as regional research and study center. In conclusion, Eman also spoke of Aruba’s ambitions to serve as stepping stone for Dutch and European companies wishing to do business in Latin and Central America. It was agreed that Eman and Salazar would keep in touch and see how the relationship between the two countries could be strengthened.http://www.amigoe.com/english/93410-eman-promotes-gateway-aruba-in-brussels-

"Greenland became a Danish colony in 1814 after being under the rule of Denmark-Norway for centuries. With the Constitution of Denmark of 1953, Greenland became a part of the Kingdom of Denmark in a relationship known in Danish as Rigsfællesskabet (Commonwealth of the Realm). In 1979 Denmark granted home rule to Greenland, and in 2008 Greenland voted to transfer more power from the Danish royal government to the local Greenlandic government. This became effective the following year, with the Danish royal government in charge of foreign affairs, security (defence-police-justice), and financial policy, and providing a subsidy of DKK 3.4 billion, or approximately $11,300 per Greenlander, annually." - 

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