19 January 2012

American Samoa Governor delivers final State of Territory Address

Governor Togiola Tualfono
before the 
Thirty-second Legislature
Third Regular Session
Fono Guest Fale
Fagatogo, American Samoa 
January 9, 2012


Today is a bittersweet day for me. In this brand new year, I am honored to stand before you to discharge my duty in addressing this Legislature on the State of our Territory. It is also the ninth and final time that I shall do so as the Territory's sixth popularly elected Governor of American Samoa. 

When I first took the oath as Governor, the Twenty-Eighth Legislature was serving in these hallowed halls. And here we sit now, in the Thirty-Second Legislature, with the eyes of the Territory upon us as we continue to carry out the people's work.

Before I begin, let us take a moment to honor the memories of our leaders who we have lost in this past year, including the late Secretary of Samoan Affairs Tufele Li’amatua, Senator Amituana’i Eteuati, HC Tau’ili’ili Pat Tervola and the and other loved ones who served this Territory with their hard work, service and leadership. We also honor the memories of our loved ones who have fallen in battle, serving our Territory and our country all over this world. May the Good Lord grant their souls eternal peace.

Please pause with me in a moment of silence in remembrance of our fallen leaders and our sons and daughters of our police force and the armed services without whose sacrifice, we would not enjoy the spirit and liberty of today.

It has been a long road that we have walked in order to get here today. Though the road was long and sometimes winding, we have taken that journey together and we have accomplished many things along the way. It remains my sole intent to continue to work together with this Legislature on our journey to a better tomorrow for our future and the future of our children who will inherit our good work.

Read the full text of the Governor's State of the Territory Address here.

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