13 December 2011

Is self-determination as a "fundamental human right" part of the British human rights programme for the Turks and Caicos Islands?

 OTR Note: "The United Nations General Assembly...also reaffirms that, in the process of decolonization, there is no alternative to the principle of self-determination, which is also a fundamental human right, as recognized under the relevant human rights conventions."  
--   (United Nations Resolution 66/89 of Dec. 2011 adopted by consensus of all U.N. member countries). 

The Governor’s Office
Turks and Caicos Islands
Thursday, 08 Dec 11

The Turks and Caicos Islands’ Human Rights Commission has been awarded $17,000 (£11,000) by the Commonwealth Foundation under a UK Government funded project to build human rights capacity in the Overseas Territories. 
The award will finance the development of a new website for the Human Rights Commission as well as the publication of information leaflets.  The award was made as part of events to mark International Human rights Day on 10 December 2011.
Both will help the Commission to keep residents of the TCI informed about their human rights and the Commission’s role in supporting them. 
This work builds on the human rights training that the project delivered to TCI officials and civil society groups in January 2011. Work on the new website and leaflet will commence in the New Year. 
 TCI Human Rights Commissioner Doreen Quelch Missick said: “This grant will really help us communicate important messages about human rights to the people of the Turks and Caicos though the new website and other literature.
 “Clearly we mark human rights day here in the TCI each October, but we should all take this additional opportunity to reflect on how we can continue to improve awareness and understanding of human rights issues.”
·         The Commonwealth Foundation is an organisation supported by Commonwealth States to strengthen civil society. The website address is: http://www.commonwealthfoundation.com

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