03 November 2011

Curacao Independence Declaration presented to Netherlands Queen Beatrix


WILLEMSTAD — PS chairman and States member Melvin Cijntje presented the declaration of independence of Curaçao from his party to Queen Beatrix this morning during a meeting with the Royal family and the members of the States. The Dutch Minister Piet Hein Donner (Kingdom Relations, CDA) received the declaration.

The declaration dates from July 2nd last when PS-leader Helmin Wiels, who was not present at the meeting today, read it. Among other things, the declaration states that Curaçao has been living under the colonial flag for three centuries and that all means – locally and internationally – will be used to realize an independent Curaçao.

According to Cijntje, the party wants to present the declaration during all possible meetings, to declare ‘the endeavor of the Curaçao people for independence’.

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