10 November 2011

Another Protest against British Governor in Anguilla

Special from 
United Anguilla for Transparency

Anguilla - 5PM Saturday November 5th 2011, a large crowd of employees of Cap Juluca Hotel converge on Government house in Old Ta Anguilla protesting the Governor again.

Governor Harrison, who's young daughter had just return from medical attention in a neighboring island found the paved yard of Government House inundated with a large number of members of staff. They were protesting his involvement with a number of investors on the island in particular, his close relationship with Mr. Adam Aron, owner of Cap Juluca hotel and CEO of the Philadephia 76ers and his General Manager, Mr. Gary Thurlander.

Everything came to a head after the staff learned that Aron's Partner, Mr. Marc Rowan, Anguilla had come up with an elaborate scheme to auction off everything in the hotel. What complicated matters was that Mr. Aron had in essence depleted the working capital of the hotel so much so that normal day to day expenses is jeapardized. Some of the payments included some $45,000 to his person, $15,000 each to his General Manager Mr. Thurlander and the CFO Ms. Lumly who are co signataries on the Cap Juluca accounts. Some payment went to law firms in the BVI and London among others. This, while owing the Government of Anguilla in excess of  six ($6) million dollars, $945,000 in Social Security contributions and $700,000 to the local electrical company; ANGLEC.

The Staff of the hotel was extremely upset and demanded answers to the developments at the hotel and the Governor's unusual behaviour on the island. There have been many questions on his behaviour but repeatedly, representatives of the FCO has stood by his side. Both Mr. Colin Roberts, Director of the Overseas Territories and Mr. Simon Fraser has said, "Governor Harrison has the fullest support of Her Majesty's Government". These statements have caused the people of Anguilla to question the motives in the small Caribbean island.

The Governor met breifly with the staff and after repeated jeers by the crowd, he left. Many are calling for for the removal of both Adam Aron and Governor Harrison from the island.

After many hours, the Chief Minister of the Island, Hon. Hubert B Hughes came out and spoke to the crowd and they dispersed.

Governor Harrison was born in 1954 and has been a career diplomat. He has worked in Warsaw Poland in 1979, New York 87 , again in Warsaw 95, another stint in New York in 2000, London in 03 and even Lusaka, Zambia.

Aron attended Abington High School, where he played hockey and is the new CEO of the 76ers.

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