22 October 2011

A Review of “Defrosting the Self-Determination Imagination: The Trajectory of Right Under International Law.”

The Drowning Mermaid

This past Wednesday, attorney Julian Aguon gave a presentation regarding Guam’s self-determination. He titled it, “Defrosting the Self-Determination Imagination: The Trajectory of Right Under International Law.” 

Aguon is an internationally trained lawyer, who has long advocated for this island, even when many of the people who are from here have turned their noses up at him, assuming he is too young to understand the issues he has dedicated his every waking moment to understanding. His list of accomplishments is overwhelming; and it’s apparent that he has put the time and work into developing a well-informed, credible position regarding Guam and the right of self-determination. His perspective is sought after both nationally and internationally. 

He is flown all over the world to enlighten people on this issue. Ironically, our island rarely provides him with a space in which he can share his knowledge with the people who need it most, us, the people of Guam. For too long, the island has been afraid of anything that deviated from the truly limited understanding we currently have of our inalienable right to determine our own futures.

Please read the comprehensive analysis and observations of the presentation here.  

View Attorney Julian Aguon's full presentation here.

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