30 September 2011



By: "Bevan Springer"

 Guadeloupe will host the 20th Caribbean Water and Wastewater Association (CWWA) conference and exhibition which opens this Sunday, October 2 in the resort town of Gosier. Representatives from more than 45 countries will descend on the French Caribbean island department from October 2 to 7 to participate in CWWA's annual meeting as well as the 10th "The Water Days" in Guadeloupe to be jointly held at the new Gosier Sports Centre. 

This combined event will reinforce Caribbean links, promote the sharing of expertise and consolidate partnership agreements between the nations of the region in the water, sanitation and waste management sectors. Organized by Syndicat Intercommunal d'Alimentation en Eau et d'Assainissement de la Guadeloupe (Guadeloupe' s Inter-Urban District Union of Water Supply and Sanitation) in partnership with Syndicat Intercommunal du Centre et du Sud de la Martinique (Inter-Urban District Union of Central and Southern Martinique) and Communauté de Communes du Centre Littoral de Guyane (French Guyanese Community of Municipalities for the Central Coast), there will also be participants from the United States, Canada, Latin America and Europe, as well as from countries and territories in the Indian Ocean and the Pacific

Legislative procedures and regulations in the field of water sanitation and waste management, the state of networks in the Caribbean region, and the financial management of waste and the recovery of rain water will be among the principal themes to be debated under the title "Caribbean Cooperation: The Future of Water and Waste Management in the Region". Schoolchildren and university students will take part in both academic and recreational elements of the event in partnership with Université des Antilles et de la Guyane (UAD), while there will also be discussions to prepare a united Caribbean presentation for the 6th World Water Forum to be held in Marseilles, France from March 12 to 17, 2012. For further information, visit www.cwwa2011. com.

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