15 May 2011

Wheatley Joins Virgin Islands London Office

Author of several  in-depth analyses on Caribbean sustainable development

British Virgin Islands London Office

The Director of the British Virgin Islands London Office is pleased to announce the appointment of Eleizer “Benito” Wheatley to the Political and Public Affairs position at the London Office effective 1st March 2011.

Wheatley who holds a Master of Arts Degree in Political Science with an International Affairs concentration and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Political Science is expected to assist the Director with analysis of United Kingdom and European Union domestic and foreign policy; to identify opportunities to advance BVI interests in the UK, Europe and as otherwise required; and to keep abreast of international and domestic issues affecting the Virgin Islands as well as the long term strategic interests of the Territory in order for the BVILO to adequately advise and inform the Government of the Virgin Islands.

‘A son of the soil’, Wheatley is no stranger to international relations. He has a decade of experience in International Affairs and has held positions in the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), Winrock International, and Southern Center for International Studies and has also worked on a number of projects
for the World Bank, Institute for Caribbean Studies and Foundation for Sustainable Development.

“At such an important point in the development of the EU and of the EU/OCT relationship this position is critical in the day to day operation of the London Office as it seeks to advise the Government of the Virgin Islands on the current and impending issues that affects us as a territory,” says the Director who is confident
that Wheatley will provided the needed support in this area given his training, experience and passion for the subject.

Mr. Wheatley... join(ed) the BVI delegation to the annual Overseas Countries and Territories Association (OCTA) Ministerial Conference and the OCTA-European Union (EU) Forum... held in Noumea, New Caledonia, from 28th February to 4th March as one of his first assignments.

“I am anxious to get started and to make a valid contribution to the London Office and to the Virgin Islands, my home,” Wheatley said in regards to his new appointment.

See: Positioning the British Virgin Islands in the New Global Economy

       Global Economic Slowdown and Economic Security in the British Virgin Islands

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