16 April 2010

Former Caribbean Diplomat Publishes Second Book


Former Antigua and Barbuda Ambassador to the United Nations and the OAS, Lionel Hurst, has just published his second book entitled LUTHER GEORGE: The Barack Obama of Antigua and Barbuda. The three-hundred page volume tells the story of a forgotten hero of Antigua and Barbuda who changed his country's history. It is very easy to read and flows remarkably well through seven chapters of facts and recollections. The publication marks yet another milestone in the literary history of Antigua and Barbuda, and of Hurst himself.

Hurst published his Democracy by Diplomacy almost three years ago in 2007, which was very well-received. The former Ambassador is of the view that this second publication will be even better received. "The theme is far more universal," he said, "and the story of a life well-spent always generates great interest."

Lionel Hurst studied political science at Brooklyn College (CUNY), earned an MBA from Long Island University, and his Juris Doctor degree from the New York Law School. He is enormously talented and driven, and is intent on recording the history of his state through differing lenses. He is a kidney transplant recipient who measures his days and knows that only "a few useful years" remain.

The publication will be available shortly after Easter in the bookstores of Antigua, and on the shelves of the major distributors in the USA. Ambassador Hurst is planning a book-signing in mid-May 2010 in New York City, and a launch in Antigua before Labour Day (Monday May 3, 2010) in Antigua. He is to travel around the USA to several cities where communities of Caribbean people live, promoting his publication. The book costs US$20.00 and is available only in soft cover.

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