Press Statement
Pacific Islands Forum
Promoting the Pacific Plan to all levels of society is central to generating a sense of public ownership of the Pacific Plan. This was a key message highlighted during Pacific Plan Review consultations held in Niue.
At the Review team’s first general public consultation to date, a small but vocal group of Niue citizens voiced the view that the Pacific Plan should be better promoted among all citizens, not only among government officials.
Former Niue MP and Public Service Commissioner, Ms Esther Pavihi, said there was a need for greater understanding of the Pacific Plan among the general public. She also noted that the regional Plan could support national interests.
“But the issue of regionalism versus national interests and the role of the Pacific Plan in addressing this remains unclear,” she added.
During the public consultation, there was general interest in what the Pacific Plan had achieved since it was adopted by Forum Leaders in 2005, and how those achievements had impacted on Niue as a Smaller Island State.
Several participants suggested that a regional mechanism was needed to ensure decisions made at the highest regional level on the Pacific Plan were measurable. They also proposed that those making such decisions should be held to account for them.
The Pacific Plan Review team in Niue, comprising country official Mr Redley Killion, deputizing for Review Chair SirMekere Morauta, KCMG, and consultant Dr Nick Poletti, also meet this week with Members of Parliament, heads of Government departments, representatives from the private sector, and civil society organisations, culminating in a final meeting with members of Cabinet and the Premier, Hon. Toke Talagi.
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